One of the most distinctive features about Serenity is her lack of weapons when push comes to shove, all the ship has to get her out of trouble is the ingenuity of her crew. She was repaired and eventually returned to service thanks to assistance provided on the Operative's orders. There were several hull ruptures, the electrical system was damaged from an EMP blast, and one booster was even severed from the ship. A few months later, she suffered the worst accident in her life when she crash-landed on a comm relay moon outside the Blue Sun system, after suffering multiple wounds in a firefight between Alliance military forces and Reavers. In 2518, after fencing the Lassiter laser pistol for a considerable sum, Captain Reynolds refitted Serenity's cargo bay, including new bracing, cargo ramp, bomb-bay doors, and fire-suppression system. Eventually, they integrate into the crew, Simon serving as a much-needed medic on the transport. In 2517, Simon Tam, River Tam, and Shepherd Derrial Book come aboard Serenity as passengers on their way to Boros. Hiring out one of Serenity's two shuttles as a means of extra income, the crew went on to expand from there, including Kaylee as the new mechanic as well as some hired muscle in Jayne. Despite some problems with her first mechanic, Bester, Mal eventually managed to get the ship off the ground with Kaylee's help. Zoë Alleyne, first mate of the vessel, was unimpressed by Mal's purchase of the ship at the time she was definitely a fixer-upper and needed much work before she would even take off. Mal already had Serenity's name picked out when he bought her, after the decisive battle at Serenity Valley, where the war was essentially lost by the Independents, reflecting how those who were there could never leave Serenity but would simply have to learn to live there. Even though the Alliance was ever-growing, a ship would enable them to keep outside it. Mal wanted a ship because it would provide freedom. She was acquired by Malcolm Reynolds in 2512, shortly after the end of the Unification War. At the time, she was no longer flight-worthy. Her history for the next fifty years is largely unknown, except for the fact that she eventually came to rest in a boneyard on Hera.
She was one of the earlier Series 3 Fireflies to be constructed, eventually becoming one of a fleet of approximately 28,000. Serenity began her life in August 2459, when her keel was laid. 2 Blue Sun 6V4-178-B31 Trace Compression Block